
A Scottish Showcase at the International Cyber Expo 2023 

这是网络主管的博客, 贝弗利·鲍尔斯, she rounds up the couple of days spent at ICE London, at which we supported six innovative Scottish cyber businesses in attending, 参展及推介.

At the International Cyber Expo London on 26th 和27th September, I had the privilege of representing ScotlandIS alongside my colleague David Ferguson. Thanks to the support of Scottish Enterprise, ScotlandIS were able to showcase the cutting-edge innovations of six Scottish cyber product companies: Cybershell Solutions, SafeShark, Highground, Cybernitics, Lupovis, 持久资产.


The expo kicked off with the exhibition hall buzzing with energy and interest. Our pavilion was in the perfect spot to draw attention from those keen to understand what was happening in cybersecurity in Scotland. It was good to see a robust turnout and we had consistently steady foot traffic throughout the event. The attendees’ active presence contributed to a productive and engaged atmosphere, facilitating valuable networking opportunities and knowledge sharing. The high attendee rate emphasised the significance of cybersecurity in today’s digital landscape, reaffirming its position as a paramount concern for individuals and organisations. 

We also had the pleasure of connecting with the UKC3 team, the driving force behind the UK’s cyber clusters, and to hear Linda Smith’s launch of the UKC3 Cyber Strategy that set the tone for a day of exploration and collaboration. 

It was wonderful to see that our Scottish contingent was not alone. Among the familiar faces were representatives from Blackwired, 群体的网络, ID Cyber Solutions and VistalWorks – all members of the ScotlandIS cyber cluster. Seeing Scotland represented in such a prestigious setting in such a big way was truly heartening. 


又是在看台上忙碌的一天, but our six Scottish companies also took to the Tech Hub Stage, delivering compelling presentations to a diverse audience eager to hear about the latest innovations in cybersecurity. The presentations were not merely showcases; they were demonstrations of the ingenuity and excellence emerging from Scotland’s cybersecurity landscape.  

The audience was a mix of industry experts, 爱好者, 潜在的合作者, 投资者和客户, who gained a wealth of insight from our Scottish representatives. 

Post-presentation, there were in-depth conversations and connections at the pavilion paving the way for future opportunities. 

A Proud Moment for Scottish Cybersecurity 

Being part of the International Cyber Expo 2023 was more than just highlighting products; it was a testament to Scotland’s leadership in the field of cybersecurity. 博天堂入口企业资助, our pavilion became a hub of innovation, where our companies (learn more about them below) were able to display their prowess. 

In the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape it is clear that Scotland is well on its way to being recognised as a global leader in shaping the future of digital security.  




The Edinburgh-based company offers a unique Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform designed to detect vulnerabilities, minimise attacks and empower developers to understand cyber vulnerabilities.



珀斯郡创业公司HighGround.io’s unified platform integrates seamlessly with your existing security tools, 让网络变得简单, 可见, 和高效的.


CEO: Silvio Carinhas

Cybernitics’ COSGrid MicroZAccess is a Zero Trust Network Access and Secure Services Edge solution that enables secure and controlled access to an organisation’s network, 应用程序, 和资源. 总部设在格拉斯哥.


CEO: Xavier Bellekens

格拉斯哥网络公司, Lupovis, provides proactive security by deploying deception assets inside and outside your network, leading to a strengthened security posture, 高级威胁情报, 并且在违反时发出高保真警报.



Stirling HQ’d SafeShark offers Automated Cyber Security Testing to confirm products are continuously conformant with new laws, 大幅缩短测试时间, 资源, 制造商的成本.


联合创始人:Zakwan Jaroucheh

Edinburgh LastingAsset ensures that your customers know precisely who’s calling, bolstering your company’s reputation and their trust in your communications.

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